황현동 블로그 개발, 인생, 유우머

160308 w10 iot core 스터디, cmd line util, os 시작/종료, pssession연결, psdrive마운트


IoT Core Command Line Utils


Update account password:

net user Administrator [new password]

Set password

net user [account-username] [new-password]

Query and set device name:

SetComputerName [new machinename]

Setting startup app:

  • IotStartup list lists installed applications
  • IotStartup list headed lists installed headed applications
  • IotStartup list headless lists installed headless applications
  • IotStartup list [MyApp] list installed applications that match pattern MyApp
  • IotStartup add adds headed and headless applications
  • IotStartup add headed [MyApp] adds headed applications that match pattern MyApp. Pattern must match only one application.
  • IotStartup add headless [Task1] adds headless applications that match pattern Task1
  • IotStartup remove removes headed and headless applications
  • IotStartup remove headed [MyApp] removes headed applications that match pattern MyApp
  • IotStartup remove headless [Task1] removes headless applications that match pattern Task1
  • IotStartup startup lists headed and headless applications registered for startup
  • IotStartup startup [MyApp] lists headed and headless applications registered for startup that match pattern MyApp
  • IotStartup startup headed [MyApp] lists headed applications registered for startup that match MyApp
  • IotStartup startup headless [Task1] lists headless applications registered for startup that match Task1
  • For further help, try IotStartup help

Set Boot Option (Headless vs. headed boot):

setbootoption.exe [headed | headless]

Device drivers:

devcon.exe /?


net [start | stop] [service name]

Shutdown/restart device:

To shut down your device, type shutdown /s /t 0 To restart the device, use the /r switch instead with the command shutdown /r /t 0

Set display resolution

SetDisplayResolution [width] [height]

iot 부팅

c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft IoT\contfig.txt 복사 –» 루트

iot core 초기연결

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> net start winrm

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -Value
WinRM 보안 구성
 명령에서 WinRM 클라이언트에 대한 TrustedHosts 목록을 수정합니다. TrustedHosts 목록에 있는 컴퓨터가 인증되지 않을 
있으며 클라이언트에서 자격 증명 정보를 이러한 컴퓨터에 보낼 수도 있습니다.  목록을 수정하시겠습니까?
[Y] (Y)  [N] 아니요(N)  [S] 일시 중단(S)  [?] 도움말 (기본값은 "Y"): y

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Enter-PSSession -ComputerName -Credential\Administrator

[]: PS C:\Data\Users\Administrator> net user Administrator password
The command completed successfully.

[]: PS C:\Data\Users\Administrator> setcomputername firstrp2
Computer name changed successfully. Please reboot the device for changes to take effect.

[]: PS C:\Data\Users\Administrator> shutdown /r /t 0
System will shutdown in 0 seconds...

PS C:\temp> Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -Value firstrp2

PS C:\temp> Enter-PSSession -ComputerName firstrp2 -Credential firstrp2\administrator

[firstrp2]: PS C:\Data\Users\Administrator\Documents> cd /

[firstrp2]: PS C:\> ls
    Directory: C:\
Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d----l       10/30/2015   5:46 AM                CrashDump
d----l       10/30/2015   5:46 AM                Data
d-----       10/30/2015   5:46 AM                EFI
d----l       10/30/2015   5:46 AM                EFIESP
d-----       10/30/2015   5:46 AM                Program Files
d-----       10/30/2015   5:46 AM                Program Files (x86)
d-----       10/30/2015   5:46 AM                PROGRAMS
d-----       10/30/2015   5:46 AM                SystemData
d-r---       10/30/2015   5:46 AM                Users
d-----       10/30/2015   1:14 PM                Windows

장비 접속시 패스워드 스킵하기

PS C:\> $password = ConvertTo-SecureString "password" -AsPlainText -Force

PS C:\> $cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential("firstrp2\administrator", $password)

PS C:\> Enter-PSSession -ComputerName firstrp2 -Credential $cred

[firstrp2]: PS C:\Data\Users\Administrator\Documents>

노트북, 디바이스간 파일공유

PS C:\temp> New-PSDrive -Name firstrp2 -PSProvider FileSystem -Root \\firstrp2\c$ -Credential firstrp2\administrator
Name           Used (GB)     Free (GB) Provider      Root                                               
----           ---------     --------- --------      ----                                               
firstrp2                               FileSystem    \\firstrp2\c$

PS C:\temp> cd firstrp2:\

PS firstrp2:\> ls
    디렉터리: \\firstrp2\c$
Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d----l     2015-10-30   오후 9:46                CrashDump
d----l     2015-10-30   오후 9:46                Data
d-----     2015-10-30   오후 9:46                EFI
d----l     2015-10-30   오후 9:46                EFIESP
d-----     2015-10-30   오후 9:46                Program Files
d-----     2015-10-30   오후 9:46                Program Files (x86)
d-----     2015-10-30   오후 9:46                PROGRAMS
d-----     2015-10-30   오후 9:46                SystemData
d-----     2015-10-30   오후 1:04                temp
d-r---     2015-10-30   오후 9:46                Users
d-----     2015-10-31   오전 5:14                Windows